Tuesday, March 18, 2014

A Response.....

Recently an article was published in the Huffington Post titled "Can We Bring The Holidays Down A  Notch." In case you have not yet read it, follow this link http://www.huffingtonpost.com/kristen-howerton/can-we-bring-the-holidays_b_2903040.html.  

I know I might be in the minority on this one, but I have to say, I disagree, and almost felt personally attacked (in a generic way, I know it wasn't directed at anyone), as I am "that mom" who goes all out for most, if not all of the holidays!

I was fortunate enough to have a super creative mom, whom did the same thing for me when I was child.  Well before there was an Elf on the Shelf, my mom created her own magical memories for my brother and I.  Around Christmas time, Santa would always sneak in and take one my baby dolls who needed a make over, and or one of my brothers stuffed animals and he would leave a little note or hint that Santa or an elf had snuck in, and that our friends were going to visit the north pole, and would return on Christmas morning. On Christmas morning, our friends returned with a new outfit, freshly combed hair, and sometimes in a new cradle or dump truck etc.  In addition, Santa always left a special gift by our bed, one that we could open as soon as we woke up. Like most kids on Christmas morning, my brother and I would get up at the crack of dawn, this was my momma's genius idea to score a few more minutes of sleep, and keep us entertained until it was atleast 5am. At Easter, we would get the usual stuff in our Easter baskets, but along the way as we grew older, instead of trinkets that kids like, I would get a cute new shirt, or fun jewelry.  To this day, my mom still gets me prizes for Easter, and Christmas, and Valentines Day etc, it's what we do.

Growing up, we never missed a holiday.  We decorated for ALL of them.  I have the best memories of my mom always getting out our decor for EVERY. SINGLE. HOLIDAY! We always had multiple christmas trees.  During the Christmas season we hosted gingerbread parties and had cookie exchanges.   At Easter, we always had an egg tree in out front yard, and soon after many people in our small town followed suit and had them too. We celebrated May Day, and made and delivered May Day baskets every year.  I remember even doing them for my friends in high school, with my own hard earned money.  Once, I became too old for Easter Egg hunts, I began hosting them for my little neighbor hood kids, or kids I babysat for. You see, I grew up this way.  My mom made everything a celebration.  In high school, my mom hosted a Pre-Prom party for my friends and I.  She made darling invitations, had favors for all of my friends and I, had some girls from the local hair school come to do updos, a make-up lady to do our make up, and a photographer to take pictures of us all.  It was such a fun time with my friends!  And, this was all "PRE-Pinterest!"  I was blessed to have parents who made it their mission to create awesome memories for my brother and I as children.

And so, here I am a mother of two little ones, and I am "that mom" referred to in this article.
-We have an Elf on the Shelf,  who likes to do mischevious things. Some years, he is better than others.
-We decorate every inch of our home with 7 christmas trees, and put them up at the beginning of November.
-We make a Leprechaun trap, and he leaves prizes for our kids, we are part Irish, and so talk about the  reason for celebrating the Holiday.
-We put an Easter Egg Tree in our yard, and the kids get more than just candy in their baskets.
-We celebrate May Day, and spend time designing our baskets together, collecting up trinkets to put inside of them, and then spend an hour giggling and feeling the adrenaline rush of leaving a May Day basket on someones door,  (most of whom don't even realize it is May Day) running away, and hoping not to get "caught"
-We have over the top birthday parties that I will spend months planning, and researching for ideas. Now, that my daughter is older, she is super involved in the planning, and I cherish our time planning and prepping for the party together.
-We celebrate Dr. Suess's Birthday, by having Green eggs & ham, and reading his books
-We have Back to School decorations, and have a special party to celebrate the start of a new school year
-We have an End of School party and prizes to celebrate!
-We make invitations for the family holiday functions that we host, have favors, and a color theme for any holiday we decide to host.
-We have an annual pumpkin carving party with friends and neighbors.
-And, I am ADDICTED to Pinterest.  I absolutely love gathering ideas, copying other peoples creativity, and adding some of my own.

And you know what, I will not feel guilty about doing any of it.  I am not doing it to show off, or brag in anyway.  I am not doing it to keep up with the Joneses, I am doing it because it is what I know!  I know my kids will not be at this magical age forever.  I know that I am creating traditions, that I hope my kids will carry on with their own kids some day.  I know that I am teaching my kids to appreciate the special things that my husband and I do for them, but also teaching them about how much fun it is to do things for others and not expect anything in return (such as May Day, when no one else really celebrates this anymore).   I know that I LOVE the sheer joy I see in my children's eyes, when my kids wake up on any holiday and soak in the magic that I have created.  On top of it all, I made it my profession. I started my business from the passion I have in creating events, I just get to do it as a job, so this just magnifies my ability to host parties and events for my children, as I get to do it as an every day job!

And so my friends, if this is not your thing, no problem! I don't judge you because you don't do all of the things that I do.  I don't claim to be wonder woman! I stink at cooking, I know many of my friends who are amazing cooks and have awesome weekly menus.  I have friends whom grow fabulous organic gardens with their kids and make everything from scratch, while I can't keep flowers alive more than a few weeks if I am lucky, and on and on.  My point is, everyone has their passions.  This just happens to be mine, and I challenge you to make the holidays your own. If you don't want to celebrate St.Patricks Day by making a Leprechaun trap, and you just wear green on that holiday, awesome!  I think the most important thing is to decide how your own family will celebrate the holidays, and go with it.  If it means going all out, awesome.  If you are lucky to remember to put your kid in a green shirt that day, then so be it.  I just won't feel guilty, or "tone it down a notch" for what I choose to do with my kids, as thanks to my momma, this is all I know!